Sunday, February 23, 2014

WTF: Celtic Connections with host,Leo Feinstein

On Friday, February 28th, WTF! warmly welcomes guest host Leo Feinstein, our delightfully gregarious friend from The Boston States who, in his alter ego persona... 


...will connect us with the Celts. And just who are the Celts?

... A mercifully brief history lesson...

The original wave of Celtic immigrants to the British Isles were called the q-Celts and spokeGoidelic. As near as we can figure out, they arrived sometime between 2000 and 1200 BC. At a later date,a second wave of Celts referred to as the p-Celts speaking Brythonic arrived. Goidelicled to the formation of the 3 Gaelic languages spoken in Ireland, the Isle of Man, and Scotland.Brythonic gave rise to two Britiish Isles languages, Welsh and Cornish, as well as surviving on the Continent in the form of Breton, spoken in Brittany.

You are a Celt if your heritage is...


but even if you are not a Celt...

you can sing a Celtic song or tell a Celtic tale without fear of reprisals this Friday. 
We are hanging up the broadswords, and burying the hatchets. No heads will roll! 
On Friday, February 28th... at WTF!s CELTIC CONNECTIONS...
... the only things rolling will be the good times 


WTF! is an artistic outreach program of the Helen Creighton Folklore Society. We meet every second and fourth Friday of the month at CHEBUCTO COFFEE, 6430 Chebucto Road, corner of Chebucto & Kline in Halifax where Mike's extraordinary culinary fare is approaching legendary status. Come early for a bite and stay for the entertainment which starts around 6:30 and goes until 9:00ish. As always... admission is by free-will donations towards the Society's work.

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