Monday, June 11, 2012

Stone Soup: stories and songs to nourish the mind and body

Storytellers Circle of Halifax presents Stone Soup: Stories and Storysongs to nourish the mind and body Can you make soup from a stone? Yes, come find out how. Can you nourish the body and the mind with storytelling and song? Sure you can. Stories, songs and food have been consumed ever since squealing pigs ran around with forks in their arses (‘pon my soul, no word of a lie). So come all ye and have a super (souper?) time! This is your last storytelling and storysong event of the season as we pause to enjoy the summer and collect new stories and learn new songs for next season starting the third Friday in September 2012. 6:00pm grabba soup n’ cuppa (Mike is selling a 'special' soup) 7:00pm stories start 6430 Chebucto Road, Halifax, NS Hosts: Jon Stone and Cindy Campbell aka StoneSoup ;-) FMI: 466-0157 or email


  1. I love telling Stone Soup and the best ever was at an afterschool after the story we made 2 huge kettles on camp stoves and served 60 children. A story event they may never forget!

  2. We had a grand time at Stone Soup on Friday night. There were lots of stories to nourish all who came to listen. Stories about dragons, seagulls, pigs. Summer camp stories, hard working farmers,and many other tales and even a couple of fine songs.
    We even heard the story of stone soup told in a most unusual way with everyone participating in the story. A sampling of soup was tasted by all!
