Monday, November 28, 2011

Gifts Mundane and Momentous

The Storytellers Circle of Halifax presents


Stories of things given and received,
tangible and intangible

Thursday, December 8, 7-8:30 pm

Upstairs at Just Us! Cafe
5896 Spring Garden Road, corner of Carleton

What is the greatest, or least, gift you have received?
Have you, with the best of intentions, given something that turned out ALL WRONG?
What stories do you know of gifts, real or magical,that come with unexpected obligations or consequences?
Come and hear our stories of giving and receiving, of memorable holiday gifts, or unsolicited gifts of kindness.

Feel free to offer your own story, personal or traditional,or come just to listen and remember.

Always open to the public, to tell or to listen.

Anytime after 6:30; stories start at 7:00.

Contact: Linda Winham

The Storytellers Circle:
Where listeners relax while the tellers are bold
When tales are not read, just wondrously told.

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